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With Liquality Collective SDK, you can create and implement pools for specific projects or goals with a clear lifecycle. Each collective can have one or many pools associated with it.

Create a Pool

In order to create a pool, you will have already created a collective and honeypot. In order to create a wallet or do wallet interactions, you first have to initiate the tKey instance.

This is done by calling:

public static async createPools(caller: ethers5.providers.Web3Provider, cMetadata: CMetadata, poolParam: createPoolsParam) {}

Where the createPoolParams is defined as

type createPoolsParam = {
tokenContracts: string[];
honeyPots: string[];

The init() function takes an object that we call directParams and it has the following object properties:

tokenContractsstring[]the NFT token contracts that are assosciated with the pools
honeyPotsstring[]honeypots that you created for the collective


import * as MyCollectives from "@liquality/my-collectives-sdk";

async createPools(
cAddress: string,
cWallet: string,
nonceKey: bigint,
tokenContracts: string[],
honeyPots: string[]
) {
const provider = await this.getProvider();
const response = await MyCollectives.Pool.createPools(
{ address: cAddress, wallet: cWallet, nonceKey },
{ tokenContracts, honeyPots }
console.log("!!!!! response => createPools for each ", response);
return response;


Mint through a pool collective

After you created your pool, you can mint through it and account mints through the collective.

type MintParam = {
recipient: string;
tokenID: number;
amount: bigint;
quantity: number;
platform: SupportedPlatforms;
tokenContract: string;
poolAddress: string;

Collective metadata

type CMetadata = {
address: string;
wallet: string;
nonceKey: bigint;
public static async mint(caller: ethers5.providers.Web3Provider, cMetadata: CMetadata, mintParam: MintParam) {}

Example use

const response = await
{ address: cAddress, wallet: cWallet, nonceKey },
recipient: await provider.getSigner().getAddress(),
tokenID: tokenId ? Number(tokenId) : generatedTokenId,
amount, // amount in WEI bigint
console.log("!!!!! response poolmint => ", response);
if (response.status === "failed") throw Error("Failed transaction");

Withdraw rewards

To withdraw rewards from the pool, you first have to have money in the honeypot contract, and sent the rewards to the pool, and distributed the rewards for the participants.

//Send the reward to the poolAddress
const distributeRewardsResponse = await MyCollectives.Pool.distributeRewards(
const response = await MyCollectives.Pool.withdrawRewards(
{ address: cAddress, wallet: cWallet, nonceKey },
await provider.getSigner().getAddress()


Helper functions when developing with pools

//getPoolReward from pool contract
public static async getPoolReward(pool: string) {}

// getTotalContributions from pool contract
public static async getTotalContributions(pool: string) {}

// getParticipantsCount from pool contract
public static async getParticipantsCount(pool: string) {}

// Check if pool isActive from pool contract
public static async isActive(pool: string) {}

// check if pool reward isDistributed from pool contract
public static async isRewardDistributed(pool: string) {}

// getPoolParticipants from pool contract, and fetch the participantData for each participant
public static async getPoolParticipants(caller: ethers5.providers.Web3Provider, pool: string) {}

// getParticipation
public static async getParticipation(pool: string, member: string) {}