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Collectibles & NFTs

The Liquality NFT functions can manage collections of standardized NFTs (ERC-721, and ERC-1155) on multiple chains evm chains (atm: Ethereum, Polygon, and Arbitrum).

The user gets easy access to NFTs and is able to send, receive, and check stats.

Data sources are delivered by providers (Moralis: Ethereum, Polygon: Covalent 2: Arbitrum). The data provider will deliver the image (otherwise placeholder), NFT name, NFT description, token ID, creator, creator fee, locked, collection description, account address, asset contract, token standard, and the number of copies owned if ERC-1155 is available.

Receive NFTs

The user will automatically receive the NFTs by injection in regard to the account address provided (regardless of account). The detection of the NFTs happens automatically.

View NFTs from specific address and chain

const nfts = await getNfts(owner: string, chainID: number): Promise<Nft[] | null>


ownerstringaddress of the wallet you want to get all nfts from
chainIDnumberwhich chain you want to get all NFTs from

In order to use the getNfts() function you will need to have called the sdk.setup() function and provide valid API keys. See here

React code example:

import { setupSDK } from "../setupSDK";
import { NftService } from "@liquality/wallet-sdk";
import React, { useState } from "react";

export default function Collectibles() {
const [nfts, setNfts] = useState([]);
const fetchNfts = async (address: string, chainId: string) => {
const nfts: any = await NftService.getNfts(address, +chainId);

You can check the chainID for all chains

like Polygon, Arbitrum, Solana, Ethereum etc.. using

The chainID for Ethereum Mainnet is 1

Return values:

export interface Nft {
id: string;
contract: {
address: string;
name?: string;
symbol?: string;
type?: NftType;
metadata?: {
name?: string;
description?: string;
image?: string;
balance?: number;

Transfer and Send NFT

 await transferNft(
transferRequest: TransferRequest,
chainId: number,
pkOrProvider: string | ExternalProvider,
isGasless: boolean
): Promise<string>


transferRequestTransferRequest...more to come
chainIDnumberwhich chain you want to send to
pkstringusers privateKey to sign transaction
export interface TransferRequest {
contractAddress: string;
owner: string;
receiver: string;
tokenIDs: string[];
amounts?: number[];

Return values:

txHashstringtransaction hash (id)

Users can send a single NFT (or copy) to another address with enough funds to cover blockchains' speed/fee with out-of-the-box validation and error handling.


Once the tx is initiated the progress will be tracked (pending vs. completed) and shown to the user with an activity log as well tx details.

Create NFT Collection

Create ERC1155 Collection

To create an ERC1155 NFT collection, you can call the following function:

await createERC1155Collection(
{ uri, creator }: CreateERC1155CollectionRequest,
chainId: number, pkOrProvider: string, isGaslessCompliant: boolean
): Promise<string>


uristringimage uri
creatorstringcreator address
chainIdnumberwhich chain you want to create the collection in
pkstringusers private key to sign transaction

Returns a string containing the transaction hash (id).

Create ERC721 Collection

To create an ERC721 NFT collection, you can call the following function:

  await createERC721Collection(
{ tokenName, tokenSymbol, creator }: CreateERC721CollectionRequest,
chainId: number, pkOrProvider: string | ExternalProvider, isGasless: boolean
): Promise<string>


tokenNamestringname of token
tokenSymbolstringtoken symbol
creatorstringcreator address
chainIdnumberwhich chain you want to create the collection in
pkstringusers private key to sign transaction

Returns a string containing the transaction hash (id).

Mint NFT

Mint ERC721 Token

To mint a ERC721 token (NFT) you can call the following function:

 await mintERC721Token(
{ contractAddress, owner, recipient, uri }: MintERC721Request,
chainId: number, pkOrProvider: string | ExternalProvider, isGasless: boolean
): Promise<string>


contractAddressstringthe address of the contract you provide
ownerstringthe contract owner who has the right to mint
recipientstringwallet address of who will recieve the freshly minted token
uristringimage uri
chainIdnumberwhich chain you want to create the collection in
pkstringusers private key to sign transaction

Returns a string containing the transaction hash (id).

Mint ERC1155 Token

To mint a ERC1155 token (NFT) you can call the following function:

await mintERC1155Token(
{ contractAddress, owner, recipient, id, amount }: MintERC1155Request,
chainId: number, pkOrProvider: string | ExternalProvider, isGasless: boolean): Promise<string>


contractAddressstringthe address of the contract you provide
ownerstringthe contract owner who has the right to mint
recipientstringwallet address of who will recieve the freshly minted token
idstringwallet give your freshly minted NFT an id
amountnumberamount of mints
uristringimage uri
chainIdnumberwhich chain you want to create the collection in
pkstringusers private key to sign transaction

Returns a string containing the transaction hash (id).

Selling NFTs /soon

(coming soon)